Addiction Is Bad. Or Is It?

I AM A FACEBOOK ADDICT. Yes! The first step to recovery is admitting one has a problem. =D

I find myself checking my facebook account consistently throughout the day. When I wake up, I'd check "The Book" on my iPad. Whenever I'm outside the house, I'd check it on my phone. When I'm in my room I'd check it on the desktop. When it's time to sleep, I'm still logged on through iPad. And then when I'm finally asleep, I actually DREAM about going online! It's INSANE! Now that I think about it, it's rather ridiculous. How can a person spend most of her waking (and sleeping) hours online? Well, I don't know why. Hehehe. All I know is that I need to seriously re-think going on it this week because I have a major test coming up, and I have to submerge myself into total study mode.

Which brings us to the big question... WOULD I BE ABLE TO STAY AWAY FROM FACEBOOK FOR ONE WHOLE WEEK? The optimist in me says "Pfft... One week? That's too easy.", but knowing how much of an OC I really am, I know I couldn't go without it even for just half a day. Still, a girl has gotta try. It's  challenging, but I'm really not the type to shy away from a challenge. So, wish me luck! Will miss y'all. See you in 7 days.
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