This is my new motto in life. If I were to tell you something negative about me, it would be that I am a short-lived enthusiast. In a simpler description, I start something with much enthusiasm. But that would only take me about a month or so before I get bored or frustrated (whichever comes first), and leave what I started in a heartbeat.
Uh-huh! Bad habit, indeed. I knew I had to change that about me. So, instead of looking for inspiration anywhere else, I came up with my own maxim thus, the intro of this article. I thought that I would more likely to stick with this “change” if the inspiration came straight from the horse’s mouth.
Now, I’m not really an expert, but I managed to come up with some things that might help you succeed. If you’re starting a new hobby, business, or study habit, or trying to reach a dream, whatever it may be, this applies to all (at least I think it does) I hope this helps;
> Be Positive. When you’re beginning a new venture in life, you’ve got to know in your mind that ‘this will totally work out’. Positive thoughts are likely to yield positive results. Go figure!
> Expel all negativities. Whenever negative thoughts start pouring into your head, never entertain them. Try distracting yourself. I don’t know the formula of success, but I know that one sure route to failure is skepticism.
> There’s always a room for improvement. Even if you must consider yourself an expert of something, you’d have to come up with new ways to improve your craft. This will keep you from losing interest from what you do.
> Be your number-one critic. The most important opinion belongs to you. Although little negative criticisms from others won’t hurt, and can actually help you, don’t let these things get you to the point of discouragement.
> Do not try to please anyone. Whatever you’re doing, always be sure that you’re doing it because you WANT to, not because others want you to. Whatever makes you happy makes you a better person, and whatever makes you unhappy practically destroys you. If you think that what you do is worthwhile, then it will be worthwhile.
> Relax. Watch a movie. If you feel that you’re starting to get frustrated, that all your hard work amounts into nothing or you’re starting to say “This is not working at all.” Take a break. It’s just a phase. You’ll get over it. Instead if thinking how much more works you need to do, why not think of how far you’ve come. You wouldn’t want to let all those hard work go to waste, would you? Ever heard of the cliché “Try and try until you succeed”? Well, here’s what I think, it wouldn’t have become a cliché if somebody actually had a sense to try and follow the advice.
> The best source of Iron is liver. Don’t worry, you’re still reading the same article. I just want to prove a point. Iron is an important mineral in the body. There are a lot of food source where you can get iron like meat, fish, eggs, fruits, and green, leafy vegetables, etc. But the best way to get sufficient iron is through eating liver. Now get ready for this. In this analogy, you are the LIVER. The other sources that was mentioned earlier maybe your family, friends, special someone, etc., from which you get support and probably your motivation. But get this. Since you are the best source, there will be little need for you to get motivation from other sources. You don’t have to be dependent on them, because you, alone are sufficient. Yes, external motivation is very important, but not as significant as self-motivation. If you don’t have the latter, you won’t be able to learn to be independent in your endeavors. Even if you get enough motivation from other sources, it wouldn’t matter if you yourself have the faintest belief in what you’re capable of. You keep looking for inspiration in so many places when in fact the only motivation you’re ever going to need is the one you provide yourself with.
Maybe now you’ll be going like; “What in the world are you babbling about? I already know everything you just said!” Well, I think repetition leads to mastery. What’s the point of knowing all these information if you don’t put them to good practice. Like I said, I don’t have the formula of success. But who knows, I may hold the key to motivation.